
Gratitude is not about shallowly telling yourself that you have everything you could ever want or need. Gratitude is about acknowledging what enough looks like for you.


tac the cat

The Precious Tac

So apparently Tac’s been mad at me since April and I just didn’t notice.  Since I rehomed Max he has been more lovey and is now sleeping with me all night again.  It’s good to have him back.

Ok, so now on why Max is getting a new home.  Max came to live with us in April after we saw him on a Craig’s List ad.  He’s a white Maltese and was living with 5 young kids.  He arrived terrified, nippy, beggy, and generally a grump with a good heart.

We rehabed Max to the extent that we could.  We ungrumped him.  Taught him that begging did not get him food.  Played with him in a way so that he knew he was not going to be hurt.  He turned into what appeared to be a happy dog.  He played each morning with Emerson, then each afternoon with Rusty.  He left Tac alone from the get go, then worked his way into a few moments of play during the day.  He became lovey and a bright, and noisy part of our day.

After about 6 months, he decided that it would be a cool thing to poop upstairs outside the shared bath.  Then it was ok, to pee in front of the front door while looking out the screen.  Then it was ok to poop on the rug leading to the doggie door.  Now I know it’s getting a bit cooler, but come on, it’s not snowing, there’s no ice, and he had reinforcements with Emerson & Rusty leading the way.

emerson, rusty, max

Max upon his arrival to our house.

I called the Humane Society and arranged for one of their foster families to work with him on his issues and to find him a home where he could be the center of the universe. After his departure, the energy of the house has dropped back down to it’s normal level of calm.

I’m grateful that Max came into our lives.  He reinvigorated both Emerson & Rusty and they now play with each other again.  I’m also glad that he is going to a home that will love him and care for him.

So, back to Tac.  He doesn’t have to share the pillow, between the pillows or between the backs any longer.  He is content to sleep all night on the bed, he is less vocal and grumpy.  You can touch him now and he’s purry, not meowing and he is actually joining us again on the couch.

I think that some times, we are meant to have pets that come into our homes for a specific purpose and then when that time is up, it’s time to release them to bigger & better things.  Such is the way of Max.

So I titled this Tac and spent most of the time talking about Max.  How odd you think, not at all I say.  Without Max coming I can appreciate that I really love Tac and that I think he’s one of the coolest cats I’ve ever had.

Cord Wraps

Untangle Your iPhone CordSo Zeke sent me a link today from this cool site:  Cool Site

Now I want an iPhone just so I could use one of these cool cord wraps.

I hate giving up my droid though,  so I’m now tron between the two.

Hmmm…. off to scour the internet for some cool cord wraps for my droid.




So a few days ago, my Son, posts this on this Facebook.  I’m not a dog person per se, I prefer cats, but I do have three dogs that live in the house.  Only one cat… hmm….  Anyway, our last little dog has claimed me and when I saw this I couldn’t help but laugh at how true it is.  Already this little guy has invaded my heart and taken up residence there.


my dog the paradox





Coming Out of a Fog

Coming out of a fogI’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.  You know how it goes.  You live your life and get stuck in a rut, then one day you wake up and realize that you don’t really want to be where you’re at.  It’s like you were living in a fog.

Well I guess I’ve been living in that fog and now I’m just tired of being here, being scared, being wound up tighter than a drum and dancing to someone else s rhythm & steps.

It’s time to take back control and do the things that I know are good for me and to take that chance that I may end up succeeding instead of on my face.

Not sure when I gave in to this, but it feels like it’s been an awful long time.  I can’t do everything that I want right now, but there are some things that are entirely under my control that I need to begin doing on a daily basis.

I have made a decision that I will no longer accept the status quo.  I will make a difference, I will give as my heart has been telling me to, I will not give in to the notion that in order to make a difference, everything has to be perfect.  Life is not perfect and if I wait until everything is perfect, I’m wasting my god-given talents.

I’m sick & tired of always waiting for something… I’m going to act and if I fall, I’ll get back up, I’ll brush myself off and I’ll keep trying.  I’m not a quitter.  I can do whatever I set my mind and heart on doing.


Emerson Burying the bone Part 1

Ok, I had to upload this one to YouTube but this is the first part.

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Emerson Burying a bone

I took this video of my dog burying her bone.  This is her first winter and I don’t think she understands that snow melts.

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Happy Veterans Day

So Greg & I went to Applebee's today for lunch.  They are having a special for all Veterans.  When we arrived it was seemingly packed, but we secured a place at the bar.  We placed our order and watched as the staff greeted, served, and bussed table after table.  As we looked around the restaurant there were Veterans of all ages.  Some Actively serving and others obviously retired and still others, like us, who served some and then were onto other careers.  We watched as a WWII vet came in assisted by an Active duty Army Soldier and some were applauding.  We chatted with a guy who served in the Navy in Korea and one that served in Viet Nam & Europe in the Army Artillery.

I found it interesting that you can get a group of people together that do not know each other and watch as they begin to chat, with only one thing in common, having been or being a US Service Man/Woman.  Those that serve have a bond that just can't be shared with any other group.  It doesn't matter which Service someone was in, that bond that comes from being a Freedom Fighter crosses all branches and unites us.  You could not look around that restaurant without a feeling of such pride and camaraderie.

You have to give it up to Applebee's for opening their doors and extending such a great Thanks to each and every Vet.  May God bless each and every one of them. 

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The weather changes

OK, so last week it was freezing butt cold, the metal in my leg ached and this week it’s almost tropical. Yes, almost. It got to 80 yesterday. A change in temps of about 60 degrees.

My head is spinning from the change. I guess it’s true what they say about Colorado. Don’t like the weather, just wait ten minutes and it’ll be different.

I have to say though that the sunshine is extremely welcome. I was concerned that we would come up here and miss the sun, but even when it was freezing butt cold the sun made it bearable.

I enjoy going out in the sun, lifting my face and having those rays just hit my face. What a great way to get energized.

So next week it’s supposed to be freezing butt cold again. I’m going to get a leg warmer to slide over that rod.

The Kids are coming for Christmas

The kids are coming home for Christmas.  Ok, not all, but 2 out of 3.  I'm thinking of things that we can do, and am feeling inspired to make gingerbread houses.  I've always wanted to do this, but haven't yet.  I'm thinking of a contest between the kids & us parents.  We could have a village.  I've just got to find a design that is cute without being too complex and start making gingerbread cut-outs.  I know it's early, but I'm already making my baking plans for my famous shortbread and other cookies.

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